Who Am I ?

Hi, I’m Sheree. Best Selling Author. Ghostwriter. Lover of language. Big fan of humanity and making a difference.


If you’re a coach, healer or transformational leader on a mission to create a massive impact with your story, we should chat! I help people just like you create movements with their message, guiding the path for courageous storytelling to unfold, birthing brilliant books so that you can make the impact you’re here to make. 

Being an Author is more than a catchy title to tag onto your email signature—it’s also the best ROI tool you could possibly invest in for your business and brand! 

I’ve been personally sharing my own story of triumph and transformation since 2004, when I stepped in front of a small group of women to bravely open up about my experience with sexual assault (it was terrifying). Since then, I’ve spoken on a whole lotta stages, been a regular podcast guest, and supported so many incredible leaders in writing their very own books—what I call Pages With Purpose. 

As a seasoned Ghostwriter and Non-fiction Book Writing Coach, I am on a mission to inspire courage by telling the stories of those brave enough to be witnessed. If the thought of sharing your truth with the world kinda makes you wanna pee your pants, GOOD! You’re on the right track! 

Fun Fact

I’ve never had a corporate 9-5 pm job, likely due to my rebellious spirit and the very real truth that I’m not a big fan of rules (enneagram 8). I’ve been riding the entrepreneurial wave since 2003 with plenty of bumps, but more joy than I can express. 

The greatest gift in the work that I’m blessed to do is seeing my clients’ excitement when their vision is finally given a voice. Whether I am ghostwriting a non-fiction book or mentoring aspiring authors through the process of writing their own non-fiction book, knowing that I am using my gifts to help elevate the world and support other amazing human beings on their mission to do the same sets my soul on fire!

My Journey

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been writing stories—think unicorns, beach life, and endless ice cream (living the dream, right?). Well, I’ve definitely nailed the beach part, with a froyo fix here and there, but I’m still waiting on that unicorn (if you’re out there, hit me up!). In the meantime, I’ve surrounded myself with some pretty magical humans who I might as well call my unicorns, so #win. I’ve been beyond lucky to have a tribe of world-changers around me, including my amazing clients!

I grew up in a little farm town called Snohomish, just north of Seattle, but I felt the pull of sunshine and sand, so after graduating high school, I packed up and moved to stunning San Diego, where I’ve been ever since. I earned a degree in Visual Communications (a fancy way of saying visual marketing), thinking I would have a career in TV and film. But after a stint working under a creepy producer’s wing, I knew it wasn’t for me.

Yep, I was that overachiever with a 4.0, learning how to make things look amazing on set while having no idea where the path would lead. Who knew all that hard work would eventually lead me to writing books for a living? Life’s funny like that.

Now, fast forward a few years (past some serious health stuff and a major life shakeup), and I found myself back in school, diving into Holistic Health and Nutrition to heal from the inside out. And through it all, writing remained my safe place—the thing I could always come back to, no matter what.

Not long after finishing my health and nutrition studies, I met someone at the gym who would become my first big client—and one of my dearest friends. That’s when my professional book writing journey began! He asked me to ghostwrite a book on autoimmune disease (right in my wheelhouse), and the rest is history. It’s been one of the greatest blessings of my life.

Since then, I’ve written a lot—from video scripts and blog posts to emails, social captions, speeches, and beyond. And I’ve had the incredible honor of helping mission-driven leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs craft their non-fiction books. Along the way, I’ve also created killer book proposals that have landed on publishers’ desks and ghostwritten books for some of the coolest, most inspiring humans on the planet. One of my proudest moments? Seeing my work published by Hay House, Inc. in 2018. It still blows my mind that I get to do this for a living!

At the end of the day, there’s nothing better than creating from a place of love and purpose. Helping my clients get their powerful messages into the hands and hearts of the people who need them the most is the ultimate reward.